Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My plant...

I have a really hard time keeping up with houseplants. I usually kill anything with leaves...A good while back (over a year), my former employer had plants all over his house. He sent me home with some cuttings...you know the directions...put in a glass of water and wait for the roots to sprout, then plant in some good dirt. I did all that and roots started appearing…I planted it and it grew. YAY ME! I actually got some cuttings from my plant…YAY ME! Well, a few weeks ago I planted my cuttings and planted them in a generic bucket and put them in my bathroom. I figured that is a good enough place since I can add some water to them from time to time…I watered them earlier today and there was water droplets on the leaves…I thought it was kinda cool… anyhow I wanted to share a photo of it with ya’ll!

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