Friday, October 21, 2011

Sassy's Halloween Costume

My child has never had a store bought Halloween costume...I am too cheap to purchase one...something the kiddos will only wear for one night (maybe two). Ever since Mimi was a babe, I have recycled things for their costumes or picked  up things at the local thrift store. When Mimi moved in with her dad, she got store bought costumes...Sassy is still getting her "upcycled" costumes. We have been things like a bat, pink poodle, the Easter Bunny, a bumble bee and so on. I don't think I have had more than 2 bucks per costume, probably no more than 25 on ALL the costumes put together. This year we spent a few weeks debating on cool costumes and we had finally narrowed it down to a few. Then it hit us one day when I was off daydreaming and glanced at a bag of things we were gonna donate. There it was a couple of shirts in the colors of white, yellow, and orange...aha!!!! A CANDY CORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dug in the bag to see what I could find before Sassy came home from school and have it all out so she could envision what I was envisioning. She went for it...after weeks of trying to get some decided...we got it!!!! So we have decided to make a candy corn princess costume. She hasn't been any kind of princess for Halloween before, she was a with one year the total opposite of princess!
So, in my project I have found 2 white sheer curtains to use. I have already dyed them yellow...I forgot to take a pic of it before I dyed them though but I will remember to take photos of the project...I even dyed them yellow with fun coloring, vinegar and water. YAY ME! I am gonna use a recycled take out food container for her crown...then I found a cool project that uses wax paper and crayons that I can make her accessories.

Photos will be posted it the next day or so!

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