Monday, April 30, 2012

Private Property

I am not one that likes to roam through the woods...especially by myself.
One day, I headed over to Mawmaw's house to dry some dryer caught on fire and financially I cannot afford another right this moment. I took my camera and decided to take some nature type photos...I just wasn't feeling it though. It was super hot and kinda muggy...and it was in the brightest part of the day. Too much sun in photos to me is icky! I headed out anyway and really wasn't sure where to go...I had no clue where Mawmaw's property went. I'd say about a hundred feet from her house is the property line...I kinda figured that since every 3-4 trees had a private property sign. I trespassed on her neighbors land. I figured that I would use the signs kinda like what Hansel and Gretel intended with the crumbs they left behind them. I got about 30 minutes (walking time) from Mawmaw's house...I was doing good with all the bugs everywhere...those that know me know I do not like bugs...PERIOD! I got used to the least you can feel them when they jump on ya. What you gotta watch out for are the butterflies...SERIOUSLY! They sneak up on ya. I have never had one land on me til that day...I had one land on my shoulder. I caught a glimpse out the corner of my eye and instantly my brain thought horror movie. I thought someone was fixin' to grab me. I ran like the wind...I got about half way back to Mawmaw's house when reality set in there was no one after me except my imagination...
I did take some photos that day…nothing really  interesting…just the private property signs in the trees…and a dogwood!

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