Monday, May 7, 2012

Bridal shower...

I was asked to photograph a bridal shower this past Saturday...I am gonna tell ya I was excited! Even more excited that I didn't feel so nervous that I was sick to my stomach...yes that happens about 97% of the time to me. You would think I would have been that bad nervous Saturday considering I had never met any of the people there and only had talked to one person on the phone and texted her a few phone accidentally called her at 6:00am and I know that had to have freaked her out thinking I was cancelling!  
Anyhow, this bridal shower was for Miss Andria June…OMG she is gorgeous AND sweet! I loved the colors they decorated the church fellowship hall. They went with bold bright colors…handmade flowers in vases adorned the tables and confetti dotted the table clothes.  There were butterflies on the walls. Those round ball lantern things hung from the ceiling and balloons from the chairs. It was simple and refreshing! The bride–to-be’s mother made a strawberry tiered cake, there also was lemon cake and buttermilk pie for dessert. Dinner was served and it included chicken quarters cooked on the grill, slaw, baked beans, bread and lemonade. It was YUMMY!!!! I do not have photos of the food because I normally do not take photos when people are eating...I feel that is rude!
Miss Andria June is very blessed in the family and friends that attended her shower. 

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