Monday, February 7, 2011

Yesterdays post...

As I was writing about my childhood memories, it brought up a plenitude of other memories. Some good and some bad...some about family members that made their way to Heaven and some that are still alive today. I figure I would write about that here and there, so that I have those memories to pass on to Mimi and Sassy. I know that my life ain't one like those that are famous and have their life published in an autobiography...this is more or less like a memoir of simple girl growing up into who I am today....its my life. I want to write and describe these memories as like the reader can picture their self right there with me. You know a description like the chefs do on the cooking channel....where you really do not need smell-o-vision because you can already taste the finished perfectly executed concoction just by the way it was described and seeing it on TV. I want my kiddos to fully understand ME and why I do and say the things that I do.

Its funny what makes a memory pop up...we take things for granted and forget so much.
My life has had its ups and downs...
Sometimes, I hear a phrase, word or song and it transports me back to my past...
Sometimes, when that happens, I catch myself chuckling a little or even feeling a teardrop fall....
Since, many of the photos from my childhood were lost over the years....all I can do is describe the things I remember to the fullest. 
I started my blog about a month or so ago with all intentions of writing on certain things...BUT I find myself just posting more randomness of my life...
 past, present and future...
So...until I get writers block or my undiagnosed A.D.D kicks in and I lose focus...
I plan on writing about my life...
The Yesterdays, the Today and  the Tomorrows... 

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