Wednesday, March 30, 2011


First, I must apologize for being absent for a couple of days. I have been kinda busy. This past Friday Sassy went to a lock-in at church. I had a whole evening to myself. I actually hung out at church for a bit talking to my friends. I am worry about one of my friends...she is dealing with a lot right now. So, a prayer sent her way would be super nice. My honey came home Saturday afternoon. We did do much but chill out the house. Sunday I went to my weight watchers meeting...
I was a little nervous...I don't feel like I have lost any weight. I will be glad to start seeing results. =) 
Anyhow, I lost 6.6 lbs! YAY me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was tickled. I was more than tickled..I was ecstatic! I am just a little less than 5 lbs from my 5% goal!
I know 6.6 lbs don't seem like much but its really hard to lose it. I have walked and then jumped on the trampoline alot and I just invested in Zumba for the Wii. 
At the meeting the had this gross looking yallow blobby solid stuff. It was 5 lbs and there was a 1 lbs blob too. That was just under what I had lost. Looking at 6lbs of fat on the table sure looks different than 6 lbs lost on a body. I am proud and have a long way to go but I will take the 6.6 lbs! YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a pic I took of the fat blobby stuff...that is 6 lbs!

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