Monday, March 14, 2011

a day at the park...

Today, Sassy and me decided to go to the park...
It's the only place around these parts with sidewalks for her to learn how to roller skate. 
We got up and ate a good breakfast...
watched a few movies and then went to the store and got some ice for the cooler. 
I got to meet one of my Honey's friends there. We have been friends on Facebook for a good bit...
it was cool to actually talk in person.
After we left the store, we headed to Junction City to the park. 
This is one of the cleanest parks around here....and its close by. Its small but has a set of swing, slide, see-saws, and few other things for the young'uns to play on.

There is also baseball diamond, and a walking track. 
Sassy skated around the walking track about one and a half times while I walked, then we both hit the swings...I know I am gonna be sore tomorrow....especially my shoulder.

 It still hurts from when I fell a few weeks back. I bet we swung for about 30 minutes straight. 
Sassy and I got hot...and sweaty! She says we were glowing because girly girls don't sweat...they GLOW! Well, I hate to inform her, I SWEATED!
When we were finished, we headed to the store on the way home and got some ice cream. It was a really nice treat.
Sassy trying real hard to be patient....

These smelled really good...

I dodged a bunch of bees trying to get photos of these blossoms....

The lady bug Sassy caught...
Some kind of winch....
There were birdhouses here and there at the park...
We watched the train go by...
Sassy chillaxin'
This is what we had for dinner...
whole wheat pasta with salmon
a salad...

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