Sunday, January 30, 2011
Dentures and the Tooth Fairy....
Today at the store, me and Sassy ran into a friend. He is quite old and basically adopted us a few years ago as his and his wifes grandchildren. So, like I said we ran into him...I told Sassy "Look! Theres your Great Granddaddy!" She went over and hugged on him. She then showed him the tooth she lost Friday morning on the school bus.....She told him the Tooth Fairy didn't come that night because she was at her friend Lexi's house and that I wrote the Tooth Fairy a note saying she would be back on Saturday night. She proceeded to tell him that she got a dollar and the Tooth Fairy kept her tooth. Granddaddy was smiling and listening to her story....He then told her about losing 2 of his teeth the other day...Sassy asked if the tooth fairy came to see him too. LOL!!! He said, "No Babygirl.....these fell out of my dentures!" She had such a puzzled look on her face and you could almost see the wheels turning in her head trying to figure out what dentures were! The she cocked her head and asked "Granddaddy????? What are dentures???" He chuckled! The next thing I knew, He pulled his dentures out and had them in his hand! OMG you should have seen the look on Sassy's face! It was priceless....almost like total shock, disgust and amazement all in one facial expression! I just stood there laughing! Granddaddy LAUGHED and then Sassy LAUGHED too. She said...."granddaddy that is way cool do it again!"
Friday, January 28, 2011
Sassy's photos
So, here is some of the photos Sassy snapped with the point and shoot camera....I think she did awesome. I edited some of them just to make them look cool. I am proud of my girl. I know many adults that TRY and photograph things and people. Their photos are often blurry or have people with half a head! These are not to shabby for and 8 yr old photographer!
One of our Halloween decorations that actually stayed up til!
Our pumpkins...the white one in the back is still sitting in my front yard...
Some of Sassy's art work from school that she displays int he living room!
This is the art project she did back in Kindergarten. I loved it so much because its her hand print and fingerprints that I just had to frame it. It's supposed to be an apple tree...they were learning about Johnny Appleseed that week and even went to an apple orchard in NC on a field trip. This was while we were living in NC. Sassy told me that even though its APPLES she is calling it a CHERRY tree because it was for me and I love anything that is CHERRY!
I love this one and I have seen some similar to this posted on the internet....I think its cool that my 8 yr old tried the same thing....Its her HEART in an old book!
Her photos of the sky.....these are so pretty!
This is the birdhouse that her Papaw made does have a nest in it!
This is a portrait of CUGGLES....Cuggles has been her bear since the day she was born. Her grandpa brought it into the hospital room with enough balloons tied to it that it almost floated. Cuggles used to be a pretty pink and didn't sport lipstick. I guess as you age you get gray and have to wear make up!
This is Georgia...she is a PITBULL but she doesn't have a mean bone in her gorgeous body. I did edit these into one cute photo instead of 3 separate ones...I love the expressions Sassy got from Georgia considering I can never get her to sit still long enough to photograph her.
This is Charlotte...She is Georgia's sister from a different litter. She is still all puppy and quite rambunctious. I cannot believe Sassy got her to sit still for her!!!
This is Dixie...She is our rescue...she just turned 5 a few months ago. When we got her she had a broken leg and pelvis. She was small enough to fit in backpack. She had been abused...since we have had her she ran out in the road and got hit by a car and survived with only road rash. She has been in a fight with a bobcat protecting another little dog! She is our bestest buddy!
I am super proud of my girl, I think she is an awesome photographer for being only 8! She has a good eye!
Last weeks project...
So, here it's Friday already! I just realized, I hadn't posted pics of my project from last week.....I am such the procrastinator!!! I am kicking myself in the rear for not starting a project this week...BUT earlier in the week, I tripped, slipped and fell all within a minute! I am super knee is all bruised on the right leg...I think I must've kneed myself in the right calf with the left knee too....I, also, hurt my left shoulder! I messed up the rotator cuff a few years ago, I think i did it again. I really don't think I broke anything....just hurts like H-E-double hockey sticks!!!! So that postponed any sewing this week....since its kinda hard to sew one handed! is pics of last weeks project! I made a dress form , so I can sew for Sassy when she is at school and can't try things on....and I took a sweater that someone gave us and transformed it into a skirt, shrug and leg warmers for Sassy! is pics of last weeks project! I made a dress form , so I can sew for Sassy when she is at school and can't try things on....and I took a sweater that someone gave us and transformed it into a skirt, shrug and leg warmers for Sassy!
The cute sweater, I transformed!
Sassy showing off her new outfit.
I have a total of 2 bucks in this outfit....Sassy's grandma sent her the tights and shirt for her birthday....The sweater was a hand-me-down....and the shoes are a name brand that I picked up at a thrift store for 2 bucks!
Sassy is proud of this cause I made if for her and it was done with LOVE....I am proud that I have daughter that is NOT superficial by having to have brand new high dollar clothing. I am, also proud that she has her own girl draws up designs and asks me to make her outfits! I will post some in some future posts. Awhile back, she said that some girls in her class made fun of her cause she didn't match. I told her that individuality is COOL to have and that just cause she doesn't conform to every one else doesn't change who she is.....and if they were real friends they wouldn't care if she wore hand made or high dollar clothing. She was satisfied with that and said I was right because she has more HEART than most kids. AWWWWW!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My addiction....
So, I have this nasty's probably as bad as any drug and worse than my smoking habit.
I, MUST profess that I am ADDICTED to Mountain Dew....regular not the imitation diet kind!
I can drink a 6 pack or more in a day....I am a Dewaholic!!!!!!!!!
I have done soooooooooooo good over the past few days and only drank DIET Dew....YUCK!
Today, I broke down and got me a can at the store...just one 16 ounce can.....OMFG it was soooooo good.
I have a weight problem and I know in my heart its from drinking soda like its going out of style...I eat healthy but all the carbs and calories in the dew are hurting me. I am bound and determined to lose weight so I can feel comfy in a swim suit this coming up summer! I have been working out with the Wii fit and so far this week I have lost 3 lbs....all in total over the last 3 weeks 9 lbs. My goal is to be 175 by summer...
My Wii fit is NOT very nice because everytime I step on the board it tells me I am OBESE...WTF!!!! I need to lose 43 lbs to get to my goal weight....I know I can do it by the end of May...thats around 4 months way....I know IF those people on MTV's "I Used to be Fat" can do it an around 110 days I can too....just like the contestants on The Biggest Loser! I am determined!!!!!!
I, MUST profess that I am ADDICTED to Mountain Dew....regular not the imitation diet kind!
I can drink a 6 pack or more in a day....I am a Dewaholic!!!!!!!!!
I have done soooooooooooo good over the past few days and only drank DIET Dew....YUCK!
Today, I broke down and got me a can at the store...just one 16 ounce can.....OMFG it was soooooo good.
I have a weight problem and I know in my heart its from drinking soda like its going out of style...I eat healthy but all the carbs and calories in the dew are hurting me. I am bound and determined to lose weight so I can feel comfy in a swim suit this coming up summer! I have been working out with the Wii fit and so far this week I have lost 3 lbs....all in total over the last 3 weeks 9 lbs. My goal is to be 175 by summer...
My Wii fit is NOT very nice because everytime I step on the board it tells me I am OBESE...WTF!!!! I need to lose 43 lbs to get to my goal weight....I know I can do it by the end of May...thats around 4 months way....I know IF those people on MTV's "I Used to be Fat" can do it an around 110 days I can too....just like the contestants on The Biggest Loser! I am determined!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Cameras & Sassy's photos
I remember being about Sassy's age (maybe a year or 2 older) when I got my first was a Kodak Disc camera! I was hog heaven. I didn't have to borrow my moms old 110 camera that used the little flash bulb thingy on top! I also remember getting my first Polaroid camera, too...I think I was in junior high school! I love photos, good ones and even the bad ones...they all are memories on paper! I was married when I got my first 35 mm camera and I have used many disposable cameras in my time too. I actually have some that still need developed, as well as, like 17 rolls of film around here somewhere! When Sassy was a toddler, I got my first digital was a 3.2 megapixal HP! I was really, really in hog heaven then! I took photos of everything and anything. That camera has been all over the USA! Later on, I upgraded to a Nikon Coolpix 4600 (this is my fave point and shoot camera) and then to Samsung 5.0 Megapixel.....then to my Kodak that I use all the stop is going to be a DSLR! When, My Honey's grandma passed away a few years ago, we were given an old, OLD camera....funny I say that its old,because it was made in the same year I was born LOL! Anyhow, I can't wait to get some film for it....its a Poloroid sx-70 Land Camera...its an instant film camera like most all Polaroids but its super cool with its leather trim and leather pouch!
My Kodak camera uses a certain type of battery and right now, I don't have the funds to buy them. So, I am having to use the Nikon point and shoot. I had been letting Sassy use it, so she can get the hang of photographing things. I downloaded the photos she had taken with it, this way I can have a clean memory card for it. I have to admit that she actually took some good photos....I am proud of my 8 year old! I will post some in another post, I need to resize some of them first! I hate that she won't have a camera for a bit to snap photos with BUT I did set a goal of taking a photograph a day for 365 days.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
So, I have had this nasty headache today and haven't done much of nothing! It almost feels like I am on the verge of a migraine.....
I did get the dishes done...and made my bed.
I dozed off on the sofa for like 10 mins....then the alarm went off on my phone saying it was time to get Sassy off the bus....
I fed all 3 dogs in the house and the one outside...
I made Sassy some biscuits and sausage gravy for supper....made her some sausage biscuits to reheat in the mornings before school...
Now, I have Sassy in the tub and I will blow dry her hair when she gets out...and then its bed-night time (Sassy's saying) for me.....maybe tomorrow will be headache free!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did get the dishes done...and made my bed.
I dozed off on the sofa for like 10 mins....then the alarm went off on my phone saying it was time to get Sassy off the bus....
I fed all 3 dogs in the house and the one outside...
I made Sassy some biscuits and sausage gravy for supper....made her some sausage biscuits to reheat in the mornings before school...
Now, I have Sassy in the tub and I will blow dry her hair when she gets out...and then its bed-night time (Sassy's saying) for me.....maybe tomorrow will be headache free!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
My washing machine died...RIP
My washing machine died yesterday! Now that was NOT fun! Bob had thrown in some of clothes, so he could finish getting his stuff together because he knew he was leaving back out today. He BROKE it! LOL No, not had been making this weird noise for a bit and not spinning the water out like it should have! Well, yesterday, he put a load in while I was cooking breakfast and after we were finished eating he was gonna throw them dryer. There was still water in the drum....he turned the knob and it did nothing. UGH!!!! Next thing I knew my floor was flooded with water! DOUBLE UGH!!!!! The pump went out! We got the washer moved out to the deck on the side of the house.....OMG it was heavy from still having water in it and clothes! The dang thing is STILL sitting on the deck...I guess I can fit in with the rest of the trailerhood now! Anyhow, we are pretty broke and a new washer didn't fit in our measly little budget! We called a plumber friend of ours, and asked if he knew of anyone that had a washer that was free OR really cheap! He said he'd call us back in a hour.....less than an hour later we had a new used ugly off white washer all for 50 bucks! I Have to admit that this thing may look older than the one that I had BUT it sure works good! I hate doing laundry BUT I like having a washing machine.
Anyhow like I said the old one is sitting on the deck....I plan on taking the drum out of and making me a flower planter from Grandma Sanford did this back in the when I was a kid! I thought it was cool...I want to do this soooooo bad and you really should have seen the look on my Honey's face when I told him about it....I know in he was thinking that I had lost my mind (what little bit I hadn't lost already)! He, then smiled at me and said I know you are pretty crafty and I know you will make something COOL out of it!
Anyhow like I said the old one is sitting on the deck....I plan on taking the drum out of and making me a flower planter from Grandma Sanford did this back in the when I was a kid! I thought it was cool...I want to do this soooooo bad and you really should have seen the look on my Honey's face when I told him about it....I know in he was thinking that I had lost my mind (what little bit I hadn't lost already)! He, then smiled at me and said I know you are pretty crafty and I know you will make something COOL out of it!
Friday, January 21, 2011
This weeks random word....
- cavalier-
- \kav-uh-LEER\
: debonair
: marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful dismissal of important matters
My Honey is home and my surprise...

My Honey just got home....he had been gone since December 27th, 2010. I know he was ready to be home...Sammi was ready for him to be home since she didn't get to tell him goodbye or give him lovin' before he left out. I was ready for him to be home, too! There are many days I hate being the single-married mom! Well, I know I'm not exactly married BUT I might as well be, since we have been shackin' for nearly 10 yrs. I do miss my man, even though a lot of times he gets on my nerves! I love him up to the sky.....
Well, like I said in the title I got a surprise! My Honey took me to lunch at the local diner...the only place to eat on this end of the county. Every place else is like 25 miles away...For real! They have really good home style country cooking! When we got home he gave me 2 DVD's that he had bought for me. I have these movies on VHS, but who uses VCR's anymore. I got the "Shawshank Redemption" and "Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil". I haven't seen the second one, I really enjoy Morgan Freeman's acting abilities and had asked my Honey if he ever ran across it at one of the truckstops to pick it up for me. I never ever go shopping unless its a thrift store or grocery store! I can't justify buying it online either. I think tonight we will have a movie night and watch my new movies.....time to just CHILLAX!!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Sunset on Sunnyside....

I just absolutely LOVE watching the sunsetting....I looked out and seen the awesome colors...SO, I grabbed the camera (forgetting the batteries had died the other day) and ran outside. I got in my usual spot to photograph the sun setting, TRIED to turn the camera on...DUH!!!!!
So, I grab the next best fancy dancy new phone! These aren't the greatest BUT my goal is to take at least one photo a day!
While I was outside, the horses in the back pasture were I ran in a grabbed some carrots to give them as a treat. Mind you, I may be a country girl BUT I really dislike horses...mostly because I had one LICK my face one time and that really, really, really GROSSED me out! So with the fence in between us, I don't mind feeding them treats! I just recently got my nerve up to feed them by the way!
So, there you have it a scene from Sunnyside....a photo from each direction....North, South, East and West!
Pretty in Pink...

Could it be that Mommy's favorite color is pink????
This is her laundry from last Thursday to today! It's her chore is to do her laundry on Thursdays. She washes them, dries them, and folds them and puts them away! Today, I felt like giving her a break (I'm such a SWEET Mommy...hehe) since she has not been feeling well this week and has been worn out when she got home from school!
I am working on an upcycle project that is not pink, but it has purple, light blue, white and turquoise! I did find her a pair of patent leather, namebrand Mary Janes that are light blue for 2 bucks at a thrift store a while back! I need to get a move on and finish the project, so I can start on a new outfit for her next week! Oh well, after all, PROCRASTINATION is my best friend!! LOL
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Sammi doing her homework...

Anyhow this is the snapshot I got and used one of the cooooooooool apps on the phone. I think for something quick, it came out decent! The only way I could get it to my phone was emailing it to myself...whatever works huh?
Well, my intentions were to take a photo everyday...the batteries in my camera have died! I tried taking some photos of all the Cardinals in my front yard and I got one but it was sooooo dark that it was not usable! OH WELL!!!!
On a good note I have figured out how to use the camera on my new fancy dancy phone! I can't complain to bad because it is a 5 megapixel camera which is pretty cool since my 3rd point and shoot camera was a Samsung 5 megapixel camera and it took pretty decent photos (even though I like my 4.something Nikon better)....I really like my Kodak (4th camera) the best!
Well anyhow, this fancy dancy phone has some apps you can get... to change the feel of the photo! I just gotta figure out how to get them from my phone to the computer so I could show some of my photos I have taken with it!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My new phone just arrived.....YAY!
So after long consideration and hours of researching...I finally ordered a phone last friday and it came today! My phone had been due for an upgrade for months!!!!! I just couldn't figure out which one I wanted. There are soooooooooooo many options! SO, I chose the Droid 2. It was a good deal because it was buy one get one free, which means my Honey gets a new phone too (he wasn't due for an upgrade til May). :)
I showed my 8 yr old the phone and she said "OH, a smartphone! Just cause you have a smart phone mommy doesn't mean your gonna be smarter!"
Well I think she is right this fancy dancy phone is quite complicated! I'm almost wish I had gotten something simpler BUT it will be fun learning how to work this little gadget!
Monday, January 17, 2011
A sick young'un...

My poor young'un is not feeling well today (or yesterday)....
Yesterday, I woke up to her crying cause her head hurt...she was feeling warm to touch. I took her temp and it was just a low grade the day progressed she said her throat was hurting. My first thought was PLEASE don't let this be strep!!! I told her that if she wasn't feeling better tomorrow (which is today now) that I would take her to the doctor. She asked me for some ginger ale and I figured if her throat was sore that some popcicles would be a nice treat too. Yesterday she lived on those popcicles, ginger ale and OJ!
We got up at 6 am by mistake this morning since there was no school due to it being MLK holiday! We laid in bed til a little after 7 am. We got up and got dressed and headed into town to the doctor. One good thing about living in a small town is being able to go to the doctor without an appointment. We were 3rd on the sign in sheet..YAY...that meant a short wait! When the doctor came in, he talked to Sammi and could tell she really didn't feel well since she wasn't as lively as she usually is. He said he really didn't think she had strep but just a throat infection! Her ears were clear as was her chest! He told her she was going to receive a shot of antibiotics and a perscription for an antibiotic! He did say that I need to call him in the morning to update him because if she isn't feeling any better, he wants her to get the meds for the flu! Since, the flu is running rampant in the county! I just hope she gets better soon! I hate seeing my little girl sick!
My girl is feeling much better and I do believe she DOES NOT have the flu...
She will be going back to school on Wednesday! YAY!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Photos I took this past week....
Sammi's first hunting trip...

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