Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dentures and the Tooth Fairy....

Today at the store, me and Sassy ran into a friend. He is quite old and basically adopted us a few years ago as his and his wifes grandchildren. So, like I said we ran into him...I told Sassy "Look! Theres your Great Granddaddy!"  She went over and hugged on him. She then showed him the tooth she lost Friday morning on the school bus.....She told him the Tooth Fairy didn't come that night because she was at her friend Lexi's house and that I wrote the Tooth Fairy a note saying she would be back on Saturday night. She proceeded to tell him that she got a dollar and the Tooth Fairy kept her tooth. Granddaddy was smiling and listening to her story....He then told her about losing 2 of his teeth the other day...Sassy asked if the tooth fairy came to see him too. LOL!!! He said, "No Babygirl.....these fell out of my dentures!" She had such a puzzled look on her face and you could almost see the wheels turning in her head trying to figure out what dentures were! The she cocked her head and asked "Granddaddy????? What are dentures???" He chuckled! The next thing I knew, He pulled his dentures out and had them in his hand! OMG you should have seen the look on Sassy's face! It was priceless....almost like total shock, disgust and amazement all in one facial expression! I just stood there laughing! Granddaddy LAUGHED and then Sassy LAUGHED too. She said...."granddaddy that is way cool do it again!"

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