Friday, January 28, 2011

Sassy's photos

So, here is some of the photos Sassy snapped with the point and shoot camera....I think she did awesome. I edited some of them just to make them look cool. I am proud of my girl. I know many adults that TRY and photograph things and people. Their photos are often blurry or have people with half a head! These are not to shabby for and 8 yr old photographer!

One of our Halloween decorations that actually stayed up til!

Our pumpkins...the white one in the back is still sitting in my front yard...

Some of Sassy's art work from school that she displays int he living room!

This is the art project she did back in Kindergarten. I loved it so much because its her hand print and fingerprints that I just had to frame it. It's supposed to be an apple tree...they were learning about Johnny Appleseed that week and even went to an apple orchard in NC on a field trip. This was while we were living in NC. Sassy told me that even though its APPLES she is calling it a CHERRY tree because it was for me and I love anything that is CHERRY! 

I love this one and I have seen some similar to this posted on the internet....I think its cool that my 8 yr old tried the same thing....Its her HEART in an old book!

 Her photos of the sky.....these are so pretty!

This is the birdhouse that her Papaw made does have a nest in it!

This is a portrait of CUGGLES....Cuggles has been her bear since the day she was born. Her grandpa brought it into the hospital room with enough balloons tied to it that it almost floated. Cuggles used to be a pretty pink and didn't sport lipstick. I guess as you age you get gray and have to wear make up! 

This is Georgia...she is a PITBULL but she doesn't have a mean bone in her gorgeous body. I did edit these into one cute photo instead of 3 separate ones...I love the expressions Sassy got from Georgia considering I can never get her to sit still long enough to photograph her.

This is Charlotte...She is Georgia's sister from a different litter. She is still all puppy and quite rambunctious. I cannot believe Sassy got her to sit still for her!!!

This is Dixie...She is our rescue...she just turned 5 a few months ago. When we got her she had a broken leg and pelvis. She was small enough to fit in backpack. She had been abused...since we have had her she ran out in the road and got hit by a car and survived with only road rash. She has been in a fight with a bobcat protecting another little dog! She is our bestest buddy! 

I am super proud of my girl, I think she is an awesome photographer for being only 8! She has a good eye! 

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