Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cameras & Sassy's photos

I remember being about Sassy's age (maybe a year or 2 older) when I got my first was a Kodak Disc camera! I was hog heaven. I didn't have to borrow my moms old 110 camera that used the little flash bulb thingy on top! I also remember getting my first Polaroid camera, too...I think I was in junior high school! I love photos, good ones and even the bad ones...they all are memories on paper! I was married when I got my first 35 mm camera and I have used many disposable cameras in my time too. I actually have some that still need developed, as well as, like 17 rolls of film around here somewhere! When Sassy was a toddler, I got my first digital was a 3.2 megapixal HP! I was really, really in hog heaven then! I took photos of everything and anything. That camera has been all over the USA! Later on, I upgraded to a Nikon Coolpix 4600 (this is my fave point and shoot camera) and then to Samsung 5.0 Megapixel.....then to my Kodak that I use all the stop is going to be a DSLR!  When, My Honey's grandma passed away a few years ago, we were given an old, OLD camera....funny I say that its old,because it was made in the same year I was born LOL! Anyhow, I can't wait to get some film for it....its a Poloroid sx-70 Land Camera...its an instant film camera like most all Polaroids but its super cool with its leather trim and leather pouch!

My Kodak camera uses a certain type of battery and right now, I don't have the funds to buy them. So, I am having to use the Nikon point and shoot. I had been letting Sassy use it, so she can get the hang of photographing things. I downloaded the photos she had taken with it, this way I can have a clean memory card for it. I have to admit that she actually took some good photos....I am proud of my 8 year old! I will post some in another post, I need to resize some of them first! I hate that she won't have a camera for a bit to snap photos with BUT I did set a goal of taking a photograph a day for 365 days. 

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